Is there an expiration date on Timberland care products?
Yes, generally the use-by date of reagent is about four years. Please keep the products in a cool place for storage.
Can the BALM PROOFER™ WATER & STAIN REPELLENT be used on the Gore-Tex ®︎ membrane?
Yes, no problem.
Will the BALM PROOFER™ WATER & STAIN REPELLENT stain or discolor the leather?
If used correctly, staining or discoloration will not occur.
In rare cases, it may darken the leather, so we recommend that you test a small amount of product on an inconspicuous area before using it on the entire surface.
Can I use the BALM PROOFER™ WATER & STAIN REPELLENT on suede leather?
Yes, it can be used on suede leather. After use, please leave the product to dry for 24 hours.
What adverse effects can Timberland's care products have on shoes?
Please note that on light colored suede leather, in rare cases, the leather may darken slightly.
How do I remove blood or water stains from smooth leather footwear?
Removing blood stains from leather can be tricky. To protect the leather from blood stains, please use BALM PROOFER™ WATER & STAIN REPELLENT, or WAXIMUM™ WAXED LEATHER PROTECTOR in advance.
Water stains can be removed with a mixture of diluted vinegar and RENEWVAC™ Cleaner.
How often should I care for my footwear and apparel when using care products?
We recommend that you use BALM PROOFER™ WATER & STAIN REPELLENT on the same day you purchase the product.
The frequency of daily care is up to you, but if you use your product frequently, we recommend that you perform it regularly.
If you use the product daily, we recommend that you care for the product once a week.
Does the reinforcement process impair breathability?
Reinforcing does not impair the breathability of the leather.
Where is the best place to store care products?
Care products should be stored in a stable environment that is free from extreme temperature changes. Anywhere in the house is fine.
I often see the word "AOX" in care and cleaning products. What is this? Why don't Timberland's care products contain AOX?
AOX (Asorable Organic Halogens) are adsorbable organic halogen compounds used in bleaching and cleaning products.
There is concern that AOX is an indecomposable substance in our environment. Considering that certain molecules can become toxic at high concentrations, Timberland care products do not contain AOX.
If I apply too much wax on my jacket, how do I dry it?
If too much wax is applied, the jacket will become sticky. In this case, we recommend wiping off the excess wax with a soft cloth.
How can I keep my leather footwear soft and supple?
We recommend using WAXIMUM™ WAXED LEATHER PROTECTOR. It will soften the leather and allow the material to breathe.
Please note that this product cannot be used on suede and nubuck leather.
How can I remove and care for the jeans stains on my boots?
It can be removed with RENEWBUCK™ FOAMING CLEANER and DRY CLEANING KIT. The cleaner will give you a soft finish, and from there you can use a cleaner bar to remove the stain.
Of course, the best way to do this is to protect your product by first using BALM PROOFER™ WATER & STAIN REPELLENT. The protector will protect the product from stains, and even if it does get dirty, it can be removed.
How hard can I rub the cleaner bar in the dry cleaning kit?
If you are removing a dark stain, such as ink on suede, you may need to rub the cleaner bar harder.
This may dull or damage the color of the leather.
One way to improve the effectiveness is to moisten the bar with water and rub the dirty area of the shoes. Then brush it with a beveling motion as a final touch.
Can I use a glazing wax on my footwear?
Yes, most glazing waxes can be used on Timberland leather footwear.
How can I restore old, faded boots to their original condition?
For leather, WAXIMUM™ WAXED LEATHER PROTECTOR can restore the oil.
For other materials, this is a normal phenomenon that can be caused by sunlight or other factors during wear and cannot be reversed.
Can I use a hair dryer to dry my shoe after using BALM PROOFER™ WATER & STAIN REPELLENT?
Yes, you can dry your shoes with a hair dryer.
Which care products can be used on canvas shoes?
DRY CLEANING KIT, and BALM PROOFER™ WATER & STAIN REPELLENT can both be safely used on canvas shoes.